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Build and run on x86_64 Linux



The NATS and the local registry are served via a Docker container, see installation notes. Also, make sure your Docker install has Compose v2.


From the top-level directory build with make. This should complete without errors.


Update paths in file deploy/env to match your development environment.

Be sure to set BINDLE and BINDLE_SERVER in deploy/env to the paths to the bindle cli and bindle server executables, respectively. If they are in your $PATH, you can just set these to bindle and bindle-server. If you built bindle from git, use the 0.7.1 tag, run cargo build, and set BINDLE_HOME to the path to the git repo.

Prepare models

Models (in bindle/models) must be loaded into the bindle server.

If you are using your own model, you will need to create a “bindle invoice”, a .toml file listing the bindle artifacts. Each artifact has a sha256 hash and file size of each artifact. See the existing toml files in bindle/models as examples.

Capability provider


The script deploy/run.sh contains commands to run everything. In the deploy folder, run run.sh to see a list of available subcommands.

Start the bindle server and load the models.

./run.sh bindle-start
./run.sh bindle-create

Start the local registry server, nats server, wasmcloud host, actors, and providers. If this is your first time running running this app, add --console to the end of the following command to open a new terminal window with the host logs. The logs may be useful for diagnosing any problems.

./run.sh all
# or, to open a $TERMINAL window with host logs
./run.sh all --console

The end of the output should be the inventory of the wasmcloud runtime. It should be similar to the following output:

                                     Host Inventory (NDNE7IKOP5KLHKYPTFG7NOWRHIELCCDOAJIVXXQKBMMIONJBV5HLMSYI)                                    
  hostcore.osfamily                 unix                                                         
  hostcore.arch                     x86_64                                                       
  hostcore.os                       linux                                                        
  Actor ID                                                   Name                    Image Reference                                              
  MBCBEIRRVMVMZQMPGJQHRKYFRW6DT...YN7XHEAUKPNQ45LH   inferenceapi                          
  MCS6WWTTWAD4WF46FTT57TGKEH6S6...2SSH2J3UYLHD77SD   imagenetpostprocessor                
  MDLHNK4V6IHOUY54QBNIAGUNHX373...GK7CKDKHXRDPWKHX   imagepreprocessor                    
  Provider ID                                                Name                    Link Name               Image Reference                      
  VDIRCLM2EUPU7JASBU7CWAXHBXCSY...MZJUA47KPMQDOPT5   mlinference             default         
  VDWKHKPIIORJM4HBFHL2M7KZQD6KM...CS6BIQTIT6S7E6TP   HTTP Server             default       
